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Clinicial Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy utilises Hypnosis, a naturally occurring state of physical and mental relaxation, which we all drift in and out of every day.  Perhaps you have experienced driving long distances and drifting to other thoughts whilst part of your sub conscious mind concentrates on the driving.

Or have you ever arrived at a place you drive to regularly e.g. work, and wondered how you got there? You simply were in hypnosis!  

When you utilise this natural state of mind in hypnotherapy it becomes easier to make beneficial changes in your life.

Hypnotherapy - Utilising your natural resources for change

Common issues that Clinical Hypnotherapy can help with

Hypnotherapy is also a key element of Sequent Repatterning Therapy (SRT) for misophonia.  If you are seeking help or treatment for misophonia please visit the Misophonia Help Page.

The above list shows some of the more common issues and problems that I see in the therapy room, however there are many more that respond well to Clinical Hypnotherapy.  If you suffer from a problem not listed above then please get in touch to find out if I can help you.  As well as offering Clinical Hypnotherapy I also use BWRT, a modern 21st century therapy that can bring rapid results for many problems. 

Hypnotherapy - harnessing your natural resources

Clinical Hypnotherapy makes use of the most powerful part of your mind, the part we are not normally directly in touch with.  The Sub-Concious part of your mind is the most powerful, creative and protective part of you.  It can makes decisions based on previous learning around 1/3 of a second before you are consciously aware of it. 

This is both useful and a hindrance at times.  For instance, if you have a phobia of spiders then at some point in time your Sub-Conscious created a pattern that associated the spider with a threat.  Now every time it encounters a spider it puts you on alert even before you see the spider consciously.  You can perhaps then understand how difficult it is to change that thought consciously, as the Sub-Conscious mind is much stronger willed than the conscious and acts on its stored patterns of recognition and behaviour.

During hypnosis the hypnotherapist can communicate directly with your Sub-Conscious, helping you to change your thought patterns and overcome the problem you are experiencing-

Book a FREE Consultation  to find out more.

Clinical Hypnotherapy FAQ

Q - Is Hypnotherapy for Anxiety & Stress effective?

A - Hypnotherapy for anxiety and stress is often an effective way to help with anxious thoughts and beliefs.  You also learn self-hypnosis techniques to help you deal with any future stressful situations.

Q - Is Online Hypnotherapy possible?

A - Online Hypnotherapy is available now and can be very effective, in fact just as effective as working face to face, as we work via a Broadband video link.  Hypnotherapy online is becoming very popular as clients find it convenient, with no need to travel and appointments times can be tailored to suit their lifestyle and availability.

Q - What does hypnosis feel like

A - It's feels pretty much like meditation or daydreaming to most people only more focussed.  You will hear the therapist, any other sounds around you, and be able to talk, move and open your eyes if you wish.  Some clients expect to be in a zombie like state after seeing all the hype in movies and stage shows, but the truth is that for most clients hypnosis feels “normal”.

Q - I'm afraid that it is "Mind Control"?

A - It's actually quite the opposite, despite what you have seen in the media and on stage.  Your Sub-Conscious is more powerful than your everyday conscious mind and protects you in hypnosis. You will never do or say anything that goes against your morals beliefs.  You are totally in control of the process and the Hypnotherapist merely guides you towards making the changes you wish for.

Q - Is Hypnosis Safe?

A - Hypnosis is a natural state of mind. Contrary to the commonly held belief you cannot get “stuck” in hypnosis.  If a hypnotist were to hypnotise you and leave, you would either remain in the restful condition much like a nap until you naturally came back to full consciousness, or after a while, when you heard no further dialogue would return to normal consciousness.

Q - Is Online Hypnotherapy Safe?

A - Hypnotherapy Online is becoming ever more popular and is safe in the hands of a good therapist.  If a connection is lost then the client simply drifts back up from hypnosis and can re-establish the connection.

Q - Can anyone be hypnotised?

Q - Yes, pretty much anyone with a few exceptions.  For some conditions hypnotherapy should only be used if you have written permission from your GP or consultant, including any condition where you are are under supervision of a psychiatrist or mental health professional.  This is to ensure that any medical treatment you may be undergoing will not conflict with hypnotherapy.

Q - My mind is too strong for hypnosis!

A - I have heard this quite often from clients.  Many clients with strong minds make the best subjects in hypnosis and achieve great results.

Q - How many sessions will I need?

A - That depends on many variables such as how well we work together, how willing you are to change, the type of problem etc.  For example a simple phobia may be resolved in 1-2 sessions but someone who has a more complex issue to solve may require around 6 sessions, or more.  I can better advise you if you book a free consultation with me.

Q - How much do sessions cost?

A - For details of fees please get in touch by booking a free consultation where I can discuss a therapy plan and cost with you.

Q - How long are the sessions?

A - In general around one hour including discussion before and after the treatment.  I do not charge per hour like many therapists - a session is a session and can be up to 90 mins long.

Q - Hypnosis - Hypnotherapist - Hypno-Analysis?

Hypnosis is a state of mind that can be self induced or brought about by another person who might be known as a hypnotist. A hypnotherapist is someone who uses hypnosis to bring about a beneficial change by the use of hypnotherapy techniques during hypnosis. Hypno-analysis is a form of hypnotherapy during which the hypnotherapist uses techniques to uncover the root causes of the problem.

Q - I need more information about Clinical Hypnotherapy

A - We are always happy to answer any additional questions you may have.  Please get in touch via our Contact Page.

Q - How do I know you have been properly trained?

A - My Bio and my professional training qualifications may be found on the About Me page.